Occupational Therapy: The Surprising Key to a Better Quality of Life

An Occupational Therapist Could Change Your Life

You Can Live More Comfortably Through Occupational Therapy

Do you have an injury or medical condition that is causing you pain, limiting your daily activities, and preventing you from enjoying the things you love? Would you like to learn more about how occupational therapy can help you eliminate your pain and improve your performance?

If you’re nodding your head “yes” to all of these questions, occupational therapy may be a good fit for you.

Occupational therapy is a great way to learn how to perform daily tasks with ease.

Our occupational therapists at Chesterton Physical Therapy in Dunes Plaza, Sand Creek, and Willowcreek Rd can help you reclaim your life. Contact Chesterton Physical Therapy today to request an appointment!

What’s the difference between PT and OT?

Although occupational therapy and physical therapy are identical, there are a few key differences. 

Physical therapy focuses on the patient’s general ability to perform specific movements, while occupational therapy focuses on the patient’s ability to perform specific movements during everyday activities. 

A physical therapist, for example, will work with a stroke patient to strengthen back muscles, and an occupational therapist will work with a stroke patient to learn practical skills such as walking, feeding, bathing, and dressing.

Physical therapy and occupational therapy also overlap, as a patient can begin care with a physical therapist and then transition to working with an occupational therapist after their pain has been relieved and they have recovered sufficient strength/physical function.

How can occupational therapy help me?

Occupational therapy is a form of treatment that is deeply rooted in science and supported by numerous medical journals, and it’s about much more than just addressing an injury at the surface level!

Occupational therapy can benefit people of all ages, from helping children with disabilities participate in school and social arenas to helping seniors improve their physical and cognitive health.

At Chesterton Physical Therapy, our Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek occupational therapists focus on the functional needs of each patient by implementing certain exercises and activities that promote physical and psychological well-being.

Our Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek occupational therapists work hard to help people recover from injuries and regain functional skills. 

At Chesterton Physical Therapy, our occupational therapy plans include:

  • An individual evaluation to determine patient goals.
  • Customized intervention activities to improve daily tasks and activities for the patient.
  • An evaluation of outcomes to determine if goals were met and to make changes to the plan if needed.

According to the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), in addition to dealing with an individual’s physical well-being, Occupational Therapy practitioners address psychological, social, and environmental factors that may hinder an individual’s functioning in different ways. 

For example, occupational therapy for a young patient may include using a special tool to make cupcakes at home. 

If an adaptation to a utensil needs to be fashioned, an occupational therapist will do it. This unique approach makes occupational therapy a vital part of health care.

All about hand therapy

There are different specialties to OT, and hand therapy is one of them! 

Hand therapy focuses on treating orthopedic upper-extremity issues to optimize the functional use of the arm and hand. It’s a patient-centered approach that addresses the needs of the patient, such as being able to lift objects, open a jar, or button a shirt.

There are several interventions that a hand therapist can make, to help you comfortably perform daily functions. 

This may include any combination of therapeutic exercises, mirror therapy, orthosis design, pain management, manual therapy, taping, ergonomics, or compression therapy. 

Hand therapy is used to treat several conditions surrounding the upper extremities, including but not limited to:

  • Tendonitis
  • Sprains/strains
  • Fractures
  • Amputations
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Lacerations
  • Arthritis

There are several activities that a hand therapist may have you perform to strengthen your upper extremity after an injury, such as working with putty, using a gripper, or using dumbbells.

Interested in learning more? Be sure to visit our locations today for help!

There are several benefits to hand therapy, including:

  • Desensitization following nerve injury or trauma
  • Customized splint fabrication for prevention or correction of injury
  • Preventative, non-operative, or conservative treatment
  • Training in the performance of daily life skills through adapted methods and equipment
  • Conditioning before returning to work
  • Sensory re-education after nerve injury
  • Management of acute or chronic pain
  • Design and implementation of home exercise programs to increase motion, dexterity, and/or strength

See if OT could help you

You feel better emotionally when you can comfortably engage in your hobbies and everyday activities. Occupational therapists can make this possible for you.

OT has several benefits, but the only way you’ll find this out for yourself is if you call us to make an appointment! If you believe you could benefit from OT, don’t hesitate to contact our Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek clinic today.

Chesterton Physical Therapy is ready to get you started on the path toward living a more enjoyable, comfortable, and functional life!


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