Dizziness And Vertigo Transform Your World With Expert Care!
Based on 627 Reviews

Dr Maribel did an awesome job…it’s still early in the treatment but I’m already feeling the results. I climbed telephone poles for 35 years and my back is killing me….After ten months of trying to get some relief Dr Maribel is the first person to make it feel better….
Esther L.
I came to Chesterton Physical Therapy because I had positional vertigo. Coming here I gained understanding about why I had vertigo and prevention on how to not get it again in the future.
Physical Therapy Can Help You Feel Balanced Once Again
Find Relief for All Your Dizzying Symptoms
We’ve all felt dizzy including with dizziness and vertigo as if we couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t see straight, or couldn’t stay upright without swaying or falling over. Many of us have also had “tunnel vision,” in which the peripheral vision goes dark for a few seconds.
Most of the time, this sensation occurs when we get up too quickly. It can be disorienting, but it usually passes quickly.
But does the dizziness you’re feeling do more than just make you dizzy for a few seconds? Is this having an impact on your daily life?
If your answer is “yes,” you might benefit from seeing one of our Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek physical therapists to find a long-term solution to your problem.
Dizziness is common and can have a variety of consequences. Vertigo, on the other hand, is a little different. Although dizziness is commonly associated with “lightheadedness,” which gives the impression of being unsteady, vertigo is a physiological reaction that causes a literal imbalance in your body.
Those living with vertigo frequently report feeling as if they are “rocking” or “spinning,” even while sitting.
If you have dizziness or vertigo and are looking for a Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek physical therapist, please contact us or click here to make an appointment.
What’s causing my dizziness?
Any of the many causes that may contribute to dizziness include lack of sleep, inadequate diet, over-exercise, or physical illness, such as a head cold or flu.
Dizziness can also result from anything as basic as standing up too quickly after a prolonged period of rest. Some accompanying symptoms of dizziness may include:
- Balance Loss
- Feeling bleak or faint
- Vision temporarily affected (i.e. tunnel vision)
- Light-headedness or heavy-headedness
The best way to know the source of your dizziness is to visit a doctor. There may be another underlying factor you don’t know about.
You may also look out for these other specific symptoms as well in regards to vertigo:
- Sweating
- Abnormal eye movements
- Arm and leg weakness
- Difficulty with vision and speaking
- Unable to concentrate or stay alert
- Nausea and vomiting
- Double vision
What’s causing my vertigo?
The most common cause of vertigo is an imbalance in the inner ear, which is also known as the “vestibular system.”
By sending signals about your movement to your brain, your vestibular system assists you in maintaining your balance and center of gravity.
If this is compromised, the signals needed to keep you balanced will be blocked from your brain, thus affecting your movement.
Many people who live with vertigo commonly feel like the world is spinning around them, that they can’t focus their vision for long periods, or that they can’t stand/move properly without feeling dizzy.
Since vertigo can disrupt your daily routine and lifestyle, this can be extremely difficult to deal with.
Do you have any of these conditions?
A stroke influences the movement of the whole body. If you have recently had a stroke, you can feel vertigo waves that can last for prolonged periods.
Meniere’s disease
This happens as the fluid builds up in your ear (s). This normally involves “ringing” in the ear and unexpected waves of extreme dizziness that can last for hours. You can also experience temporary hearing loss.
Vestibular neuritis
This is an inner ear infection that can cause vertigo.
Migraines may affect the vestibular system, resulting in vertigo episodes that may be associated with a reaction to light or sound. Vision can also be affected.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
This is the most common source of vertigo. It happens when tiny calcium crystals in your ears break apart and travel around to various areas of the ear where they are not supposed to be. This can cause sudden spinning (vertigo) and inner-ear discomfort.
How can physical therapy help me regain my balance?
Dizziness and vertigo can have an impact on your daily life, limiting your ability to perform even the most basic tasks if you let them.
Fortunately, vestibular physical therapy for dizziness and vertigo can help you find relief, regardless of the cause of the imbalance.
At Chesterton Physical Therapy, we have a high success rate in diagnosing and treating dizziness and vertigo. Vestibular therapy includes specific treatments such as Epley and Cawthorne head exercises.
The Epley Maneuver aids in the repositioning of canals to transfer damaged calcium crystals. Cawthorne head exercises are designed to reduce nerve sensitivity and vertigo.
Your physical therapist will assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan that will address your concerns while also making you feel more stable on your feet.
Find your footing again with physical therapy
At Chesterton Physical Therapy, our innovative procedures and diagnostic techniques have earned us a reputation as one of the most effective Dunes Plaza, Willowcreek Rd, and Sand Creek physical therapy practices for dizziness and vertigo treatment.